Company Trade Check

Find the right contractor for your next project.


Building reliability for you


Detailed reports with results


Informative and outlined data


Hassle-free background checks

Check Two

Suites a trades person and contractor who is a registered company that may not be supplying a huge amount of materials or managing subtrades.

Our Checks

Hiring a tradesperson for your home or business is an important decision, and it’s essential to ensure that the person you hire is reliable, trustworthy, and skilled. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to determine
whether they meet these criteria, and there are plenty of stories of homeowners who have been ripped off or received shoddy work from unscrupulous tradespeople. This is where a service that does checks on skilled workers can be invaluable.

Company Trade Check

The Company Trade Check is ideal for a tradesperson and/or contractor who is a registered company. It includes all Checks 1-8 and is $200 plus GST. The only difference is the Credit Check as this should not be
done on an individual.

1. Business Check: Is it a registered business and what is its status – limited liability, sole trader, trust, etc. – so you can know what kind of protection they have?

(Especially when it comes to deposits.)

2. Directors Name Check: Who are the shareholders and directors of the business – are they involved in any other businesses?

Does their history have previously closed businesses?

(Do they have a pattern of shutting down and starting again.)

3. Business Fine Check: Have they been fined by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)?

Have they been caught bringing in immigrant labour and not meeting the requirements of looking after them?

Have they had prior issues with paperwork filing?

4. Tribunal Check: Have they been to the disputes tribunal and what were the outcomes?

5. WorkSafe Check: Have they been prosecuted by WorkSafe or issued a serious warning?

(Minor warnings won’t come through.)

Have they failed to comply with the Health and Safety Act? (Not providing a safe workplace – this is important because of such a high death rate in the industry.)

6. Trade Registration Check: Are they registered as a trade in New Zealand? The biggest difference is insurance – if the tradesperson can’t present their insurance, they can’t register. An unregistered tradie, doing any work has no insurance to do a pay-out should something go wrong.

7. Trade or Industry Complaints Check: This dives into any issues with professional bodies (Master Electrician, Master Builder, BICTO, there are more than half a dozen in NZ) to do with their performance and quality of work. This can be minor, and/or they can cancel their registration and stop them from trading.

8. Credit Check: Are there any debts and do they pay their bills on time? Please note that this is for the Company Trade Check only.

Additional Checks:

 9. Supplier Check: This requires consent from the Solo Trade or the Company Trade involved.

We will check that they pay their suppliers on time and that there are no outstanding debts.

This provides peace of mind when it comes to your deposit being used to purchase your supplies. This is an additional $50 plus GST when added to either the Solo Trade Check or the Company Trade Check.

10. Additional Sub-Trade Check: Ideal if you engage a builder, who then needs to bring in an electrician.

We can provide an additional Solo Trade Check for $100 plus GST when added to either the Solo Trade Check or the Company Trade Check.

By performing our Checks, you can have peace of mind ensuring that you hire a tradie who will do a quality job and treat you and your property with respect.

Click here to order your Check now

What is included in this check?

  • Business Check
  • Director Name Check
  • Business Fine Check
  • Tribunal Check
  • Worksafe Check
  • Trade Registration Check
  • Trade or Industry Complaint Check
  • Credit Check on Company
  • Supplier Check (additional check)
  • Additional Sub-trade Check (additional check)


Background Checks we offer

Credit Check Only

We offer just a simple credit check for those who don't need the other checks. This could be a business engaging another business or a homeowner.

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  • Credit Check on a Company

$ 90.00


Solo Check

Suited for a tradesperson or contractor who is asole trader, either they work for themselves or contract with a bigger company.
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  • Business Check
  • Directors Name Check
  • Business Fine Check
  • Tribunal Check
  • Worksafe Check
  • Trade Registration Check
  • Trade or Industry Complaints Check

$ 160.00

Company Trade Check

Ideal for a tradesperson and/or contractor who is a registered company and includes an additional Credit Check on the business.
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  • Business Check
  • Directors Name Check
  • Business Fine Check
  • Tribunal Check
  • Worksafe Check
  • Trade Registration Check
  • Trade or Industry Complaints Check
  • Credit Check on Company

$ 200.00


Criminal History Check Only

 Navigate those jobs where criminal histroy is required by ordering your check from Trade Checka.

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  • Criminal History Check

$ 45.00


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+64 988 924 64

Service Location

Auckland, New Zealand, 0600

Open Hours

M-F: 8am – 6pm, S-S, 9am – 1pm